Listing on CoinMarketCap and/or CoinGecko

We can help you quickly listing your project on CoinMarketCap and/or CoinGecko.

Any new project that has successfully passed presale stage and started trading on Dex exchange dreams to be listed on CoinMarketCap or CoinGecko. Because it increases project’s visibility, brings a lot of new investors and also increases trust in crypto community. You can apply for listing on your own, but usually it takes from several weeks to several months for such applications to be processed. Our crypto marketing agency will help quickly and guaranteed to be listed in a very short time.

Additionally, we can help with complicated listings on CoinMarketCap and CoinGecko. Such as deleted project recovery or adding a new exchange. We solve the most complicated listing issues, just write us and we will help you.

Listing on almost all popular CEX Exchanges

Our crypto marketing agency Crypto-Upvotes works with many popular CEX exchanges (over 50) such as Lbank, Bittrex, Butrue, CoinDCX, BitMart, Coinex, MEXC, P2PB2B, etc. And we can help your project be listed there. This type of service is absolutely safe and guarantees a listing on the CEX exchange of your choice.

How it works:
1) You write us name of CEX exchange you want to be listed on
2) Also we send you a preliminary price for this listing. If it satisfies you, we send your project to administration of CEX exchanger of your choice
3) If your project is approved by your chosen CEX exchange, we will create a special chat with an official employee of this exchange. With him you agree on all details and choose additional services from the exchanger, such as trading pairs USDT/BNB/ETH etc.
4) Then you pay for listing service directly to your chosen CEX exchange ! Price for listing will be official and the same as if you yourself directly negotiated without agents.
For this service we do not charge any fees and do not increase listing price!

All you need to do is just write us and you will be listed on the CEX exchange of which you have long dreamed!

For order and information contact us: